

My name is Perri Taylor-Finn but I go by TeckGeck online.
I am a creative individual based in the UK, West Midlands. I love creating many different forms of media that others can enjoy.

​I studied Game Development / Art and Design in 2015 – 2017 learning the ins and outs of how a video game is made. Ever since my course finished, I took it upon myself to learn more about the illustrative side of Game Development and grow as an artist.

​I also create music based upon the 90’s centric genre called Jungle,
Growing up with a mother who listened to Jungle back in the day (we both still listen to Jungle) as well as videogames such as Ape Escape and Bomberman Hero among others helped me discover my taste in music.

My new favourite hobby is messing around with a game engine called Gdevelop. Currently, I’m making small prototypes that can be found over at itch.io

Also, check out my other site perritf.me, it is another site that I made primarily as a way for easy access to my artwork as well as other places to find me online.


Want to work with me, talk about a project or just have a general chat? Get in contact with me and I’ll respond as soon as I can!

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