Blender Experiments (UPDATED)

25th March 2021 By Perri T.F. (TeckGeck)

Sooo, in my spare time I’ve been messing around in Blender and leering how it works as I really want to make character models and animate them for multiple purposes

My latest project in Blender are these Crash Bandicoot sweets that look suspiciously like Tictacs (they are a totally unique sweet concept, any similarities to other sweets are completely coincidental… 👀)
Shout out to Affinity Designer that helped out with the texturing process!

OLD 23/2/21
NEW 25/3/21

(UPDATED: I added little slice of life changes such as a custom drawn Crash and Aku Aku on the back as well as an animated background)

This type of Videogame branding is inspiring me to create more content, but that’s all I’ll say for now as I’ll keep it a secret 😏

As a little note to self, I’ll have to keep an eye out for websites where I can upload my 3D models. I hear SketchFab is a good place to start

I also made a Gem animation that is currently used in my Twitch streams whenever anyone donates Bits!
I actually didn’t model the Gem, I obtained some Spyro files that someone ripped, animated it and then cleaned up in Hitfilm Pro

Thanks to the Blender Guru for the Doughnut tutorial series too, I haven’t finished the series yet, but step by step I gradually learn new tools

Here is the series if you want to learn Blender yourself:

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